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84-028-3845 3333
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CIVILTECH 3: 3rd International Conference on Civil Technology
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We are very pleased to announce that the 3rd Coníerence on Civil Technology (CivilTech 3) will be held on 20th September 2019 at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE), Vietnamệ At this conference, we hope to connect researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners from all overthe world to exchange knovvledge and expertise in the domain of civil technology. We are pleased to invite you to submit papers and attend CivilTech 3. All papers accepted and presented will be published in the conference Proceeding (ISBN number: 978-604-73¬6847-1) or will be considered to publish inJournal Of Science And Technology in Civil Engineering - National University of Civil Engineering. We look forward to welcoming you in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam!

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